• 7 years warranty
  • High capacity
  • Multifunctional
Reading time: 2 min

The Dough Roller, a true Original

This accessory not only streamlines the dough rolling process but also introduces a one-of-a-kind kneading method, designed to mimic the gentle and precise motion of a human fist.

A Unique Culinary Companion: The Dough Roller for Ankarsrum Assistent Original

Within the world of culinary tools, the dough roller attachment for the Ankarsrum Assistent Original stands as a truly unique and innovative addition. This accessory not only streamlines the dough rolling process but also introduces a one-of-a-kind kneading method, designed to mimic the gentle and precise motion of a human fist.

Unparalleled in Design

The dough roller attachment is exclusive to the Ankarsrum Assistent Original, underscoring its commitment to crafting exceptional and distinctive culinary tools. Its design is a testament to the brand’s dedication to enhancing the baking experience.

A Kneading Experience Like No Other

What truly sets the dough roller apart is its unique kneading process. By emulating the gentle and rhythmic motion of a human fist, it delivers an unparalleled kneading experience. This method ensures that the dough is handled with care, promoting even mixing and gluten development, resulting in exceptional bread and pastry creations.

A Versatile Tool

The dough roller attachment is not limited to a single type of dough or task. It caters to a wide range of culinary creations, from perfect pizza crusts and fluffy flatbreads to delicate pastry layers and artisanal pasta. You can use it for small batches as well as large ones up to 5 kilos. It is also perfect when making cookies, your own butter or mixing grinded meat for meatballs. It embodies the Ankarsrum spirit of versatility and culinary exploration.
